Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Days 14, 15 and 16....I think

So the house looks less like a disaster zone and more like somewhere that I will live in! The sub floor is all down, there are frames for walls and the closets upstairs are taking shape. There's even electrical and plumbing! I have the best dad ever! He's been working really hard to get everything done.

Last week, dad took me on a walking tour through the house and we decided where all of the outlets, lights and switches will go. I still can't believe how awesome it is to be able to decide where everything goes. My first apartment had one outlet per room and here I am planning outlets around where I will plug in my straightening iron! The convenience is amazing. We will actually be able to plan our house around how our furniture will be laid out and around how we will use the space.

Ian worked on the house all day Friday and he took on the itchy job of putting the insulation up in the kitchen ceiling. Dad and I showed up in the afternoon and we all worked to the sweet sweet classic rock sounds of Q107. Sam has been MIA. I may have to start providing beer and pizza to ensure he lends a hand. We need all the help we can get right now so that we can start moving in.

I spent Saturday changing the locks so we now have keys to the house! I'm not sure where I got the impression that replacing locks is an easy task but I was very mistaken. It's tough! With some Dad help, I managed to get new locks on all four doors. We also carried the new bathtub upstairs. It was quite heavy but my arms only hurt a little bit the next day. I take this as a sign that I am building muscle. No bulging biceps yet....but I can only assume that they are on the horizon ;)

Here's some pics from the last couple days:

The makings of a bathroom wall

The hole where the toilet will go.

Relaxing after a hard days work in my new tub.

Old yucky pipes.

The guest room ceiling. New and improved without gray insulation and damp wood.


  1. I'll help out when it comes time to painting, sound good? Trust me, you don't want me anywhere near your power tools...


  2. i can't wait to drunkenly pass out in that sweet new bathtub during your housewarming party! :-P
