Thursday, September 3, 2009

We're moving when?!

Oh yeah. So we're supposed to move at the end of the month. In the next month, we have to finish the house (or at least bring it to a livable level), purge and pack the contents of our apartment, clean, move and somewhere in there we also have jobs to go to. Ugh.

Construction inconvenience update:

The increasingly annoying team from Varcon Construction Company have run a fence up our block eliminating the parking lane outside of our apartment. As previously mentioned, this sucks for us because we won't be able to just park a van outside our place to load our stuff on moving day. Most annoying is the fact that NO ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION IS HAPPENING ON OUR BLOCK!!!! Oh yes. The jerks are using the road to store material (sparsely) and drive their trucks back and forth. I should add that said trucks require some serious tune ups as it sounds like breaking glass every time they drive their squealing wheels by our window. Tinga has taken to hiding in the closet a lot.

I have to say that the one good thing coming from this construction hell is the fact that it is making me very bitter about Roncesvalles. While previously concerned that leaving the neighbourhood would require some serious willpower and maybe some tears, I can now push the sentimentality aside with pure bitterness. I shake my fist in anger at you Roncesvalles!! So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu!

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