Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I'm obsessed with changing the layout of the blog! I'm also a bit indecisive so bear with me while I figure out what the final look should be :)

Talk about a work in progress!

This past weekend, Ian and I had the pleasure of joining Shimon's family at their "cottage" up near Parry Sound. I add quotations around the word cottage because the building is really more of a luxury house backdropped by acres of forest than a cottage. Shimon's parents bought the property about 10 years ago when it was more garbage dump than scenic forest. The original main building on the property is a ramshackle bungalow up by the highway where they camped while building their dream house closer to the water. Though the house is still very much under construction 10 years later, the family has now said goodbye to the bungalow and are using the new building full time. I have to say that I have never been in a space that was so unfinished yet so finished at the same time. With original art pieces hanging up on untaped drywall, antique furniture pieces in every corner and a world class stove perched atop wood blocks it was perfectly gorgeous and functional though far from finished. I don't envy then the years of work they have ahead but I must say it all seems pretty worth it when you get to sit in front of that amazing fireplace with a glass of wine surrounded by good music, good food, good wine and good friends.

 p.s. Ian caught a big fish. I caught a small (albeit much prettier) fish but there were no cameras handy to catch the magic.